Sunday, July 31, 2005

I need to apologize

Recently, I posted about a search term which made me smile. I did chuckle that morning, but I have been thinking about it and realized that sometimes we all have questions that we are afraid to ask so we resort to the internet or intranet or what have you... It helps us feel like we save face in that age old "stupid question" dilemma.

Now, I don't think it was a stupid question, merely unusual. A new mom may be really worried about this and may not have the life experience that can allow her to just answer it for herself. I know nothing of the circumstance that prompted that question and well, really it was none of my business.

Dear new mommy, if you saw that I posted that. I do apologize, I do not want to make your motherhood experience any worse by highlighting something you genuinely wanted to know and looked up. Instead, I should applaud your bravado to even go out and look for an answer.

Now, here is my two cents on the question:
"what happens if husband sucks the nipples when colostrum is leaking?"

Nothing! The husband will get to taste colostrum which is a sweet milky substance. He won't die, he won't get sick. He will have just tasted something that he may have tasted a long time ago. I don't think it is gross, but that may be a matter of opinion.

Dear new mommy (or daddy), I am so sorry!

Now, I interrupt this to post another lovely picture of the Squink!

camera phone 004

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

A blog experiment

My new name is Joanie it seems!
Found this blog and was "random person #1".
I guess my looks are rather deceiving.

Monday, July 25, 2005


All we have left to move in the next 3 weeks are the following:
  • Kitchen (well, half of it anyway, we moved a big part of it!)
  • Master bedroom
  • Office
  • the few paintings and such that I did not want to send via moving truck
  • and the stuff in the shed

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Most unusual...

What may be the most *interesting* keyword search found via my stat counter that was identified via Curious Hamster (who did NOT ask this question, merely provided the link to a service that I installed on my template and which ultimately made me laugh this fine morning)...

"what happens if husband sucks the nipples when colostrum is leaking?"

Uhm, I guess he swallows? or spits...

The other unusual keyword search was *nasal prongs* but I have no idea what those may be.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Leave it to me to do things the weird way

So, the current owner of the house we are purchasing and moving into is letting us move our stuff over before we close.

We have filled one HUGE moving van with half of my junk and the Schatz and a friend are over there unloading as I write.

I packed my china cabinet and am thrilled that I actually got going and packing, however...

The Schatz in a fit of organizational moving energy, has decided that he wants to move everything except for the bed, TV, couch and computer tonight!

I think I am actually getting the vapours now and do not need to feign them.

ON a side note, the Squink is handling it all pretty well. He is sneezing a lot because I am the worst duster in the world and there is a lot of it now....
that and he hates the sound of me unrolling the packing tape... Makes him cry every time. I have to let him play with it to get him over the tears... I have pictures of him playing with the tape to prove it

I think he is getting the vapours too, that or he hates moving as much as I do.

So, Who knows when I may get back on... It seems like I have a house to pack.

Mom, will you please stop this stuff from making that noise?

You sure mom?

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Moving is not for the faint of heart

Hi, my name is Blair and I am faint of heart

We move to our new home in a month... or I should say we move out of our current home in 3 or 4 weeks to possibly live in a residential hotel until we have a habitable floor in the new house. Said floor may take as little as a few days to install or this may take as long as a month to deal with...

Am I too young and modern to get a case of the vapors?

Very excited, but NOT thrilled about the living in a hotel part... seems to defeat the purpose of having a house... but with a Squink who might soon be crawling, a floor is somewhat important.

Also, who invented packing... it sucks! And I find myself avoiding it at all costs...

Here is a teaser picture of us sitting on the front steps... The front porch

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

video of the squink

A blogger that I have been reading since I was on bedrest showed me how to post video... very cool, also does audio files... and best of all, free!
It plays on real player on my computer...

50713002.3gpPowered by Castpost.
50713001.3gp Powered by Castpost.

Happy, happy baby!

Originally uploaded by Blair Necessities.

Just had to share the smile I get to see every day!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Feel the burn...

For the first time in the last six months I felt able to start my Yoga again because so much time had passed (about a year now) I thought I would take it very easy and do the fully modified class so, guess what ended up hurting the most?

My feet...

intense pain...

The one thing I realized is that the pain I have been experiencing since I was able to walk again is not in the bones, though I imagine they are certainly affected, it is with the muscle there.


I tried to keep my feet as strong as I could with some feet and ankle exercises. I often wrote out what I was writing for my blog with my feet (in the air folks, I am just not that talented... though I can mirror write with my hands when I put my mind to it) while on bed rest. Not that I would have done anything different, but this is something women, like me, who need to go on long term bedrest need to really know. I mean, I have had knee surgery that laid me up for a while, and forced me to spend six months on crutches. That, as awful as it was, was a piece of cupcake compared to this.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Back to normal...

For me at least...

OK, before the A/C went out we did take Squink for his 6 month appointment... He is a big baby...

But, I still feel bad for him to have to live in the hot house the day he had his shots... What a trooper I must say!

So, he is doing well... Hanging out in the 75th percentile for weight, 92% for height and that gorgeous head is a wonderful 70%... If I age adjust those numbers, I have one huge baby... All in the 90 -100+ percentiles... yikes! He is spitting out his iron supplement... But, Squink's pediatrician is not as concerned as the other doc... And I have never been as worried, plus the kids eats amazing amounts of food! Is it normal to use two jars or baby food per meal (not there yet, but may be soon from what he is appearing to want to eat...)?

He slept through his first firework show (so did I for that matter), but considering we live in a highly flammable desert, I am not that concerned that I missed such a fire hazard, not when family in Europe are calling to ask if we are on fire... The fires are no where near where we live (Phew!) Though our skies are frightfully cloudy!

I once got to see fireworks in Chicago, that was wonderful!

Schatzy and Squink


Sunday, July 03, 2005


Air conditioning out... Hot, very hot outside... Hot inside too.
I am on a blog hiatus till I recover, but the A/C was fixed this afternoon...
Squink handled it all very well, slept in a hotel last night...
Me... I am melting...