Thursday, April 13, 2006

Food glorious food

I actually like cooking. I am pretty good at it too..

I don't do it much because I like relaxing more and doing dishes less... a lot less.

I am trying to figure out this whole what-do-you-feed-a-child-that-is-16-months thing.

Schatzy wants to keep everything organic and unprocessed, which is totally fine, but not that easy for a working mom to manage sometimes (I actually don't see how this could be easy for any first time mom).

I have found that letting my son have a go at some booty is ok too...

But can I let him make a meal out of it?

I let him eat a variety of things, and am pleased that he seems to like his veggies. He adores these (which I will always be grateful for the recommendation from Jordana).

But how do I make a real meal? What are the right proportions?

What all do I need to do?

I mean, do I just make smaller versions of the food that I eat for dinner, because take out Mexican food from our favorite local places doesn't sound like it is best. Not with hot sauce anyways.

I worry that I feed him only snacks?

Though I try to make sure he gets a mix of protein, carbs and fats.

So I turned to the trusty internet to look at what people think children should eat and I found these suggestions!!!


Do any of you have time to make these things?

Sorry, I would make a lousy Japanese mommy, because while making a bento box may be a competitive housewife sport, I just lack the desire to do this sort of thing on a regular basis.

This almost makes me feel like I am failing as a mommy.



  1. I've read that the'll eat enough to keep themselves alive and that you shouldn't worry, but I think that's aimed at picky eaters. I dunno, if S. is worried abotu him eating anything processed let him make the organic stuff?

  2. ya, i do agree with Nettie.. Dont you realise we all just grow up, eating almost everything?
    as long as you do care about him, and make an effort =)
    try not to cultivate a fussy eater though!


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