Thursday, December 16, 2004


The water broke... it is too early for dot to come...
At least I have the internet... to some degree... from my hospital room...
We are hoping to keep dot "cooking" for at least one more week.
It is scary... tests show that the lungs aren't mature yet.

3:28 pm - update

They want to induce tomorrow....
I am sure it is for the best, it is no less terrifying...
I hope dot is home for Christmas


Lenise said...

We had a niece and a nephew come at 33 weeks (different sides of the family). They are both just fine, and our niece who came 11 weeks early is also doing well (she's younger, so she hasn't outgrown all her difficulties). Modern medicine is a wonderful thing! All the same, I'll pray for you! (I got here via Jordana)

Nettie said...

My thopughts are with you...have will all turn out OK.

ADish said...

I also came here from Jordana....

I just have to second daughter was aborning (hee hee) at 34 weeks gestation after (only) 3 weeks of bedrest. She did spend just a little time in the NICU before coming home, but today she is a 3 year-old with large feet. Large, hobbit-like feet. Without hair, of course, but that's beside the point.

What WAS the point? Oh yes, that I will be thinking of you and dotcom in the next few days and following. Please keep us posted! And try to relax! Just try to think of your sweet child at 3 years old with large feet.