I lost my post after the first save, so this is what you get, yes, this is what was here when I made a save to go out to dinner at the restaurant I met my husband at and proceed to drink one or two or possibly three and a half too many margaritas and when upon my return home I meant to put further meaningless drivel but with cool links and all on the blog and was feeling all "inspired" aka
(breathe blair)
I am blog-speaking to myself... but Hi everyone!
here is the numa-numa link - he rocks, I now sing all the time because he can do it around the world and be parodied and such and so I can let myself be free of the sillier inhibitions... but the real post was much more thoughtful and rather poetic so you all close you eyes and imagine you just read some rather profound post for once here and think wow, Blair really has deep, profound and good thoughts...
now open your eyes and see the real world but you have forgotten about this silly post and I love you all for it!
Tags: [tagname]
*cracks up at first bit of post*
love that post and love the video. I always get such cool things from you!
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