Monday, August 30, 2010

Tooth fairy and other jobs I have had

Tonight, my facebook status reads:

"I just got to play tooth fairy for the first time... though I did tell him that before I was his mommy I used to be a full time tooth fairy. I don't think he believed me."

I so wish I could go into more detail about this, it is terribly bitter sweet. It was not a normally lost tooth, and that is all I will say. If you know me, email I can tell you more but it is more about my still reeling from how choices affect us and our children and even our grandchildren... and though there was no real choice in any of the generational choices involved (I really do believe three generations have all made the best of the options offered) I am still reeling from this experience in that mommies take on the weight of the world when their babies hurt.

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