Friday, August 19, 2005

Swimming water babies

So the Squink likes swimming, I had a huge post on how this made me happy yet terrified me but it was gone into the depraved stupidity of IE popup blocker hell...
Squink has no fear of water, this is good.
If he ever jumps off of the roof of the house into the deep end, this is bad...
As the Irish in the family say...
Saints preserve us! (that is, if it ever happens).


Nettie said...

Awww,don't worry, he'll probably just be a little merman!

D said...

you have a pool at your new home?? :)

Jordana said...

Are you doing a water babies class with Squink? I remember my mom doing one with my little brother. It seems like a good idea when you live in a place with pools all around.