So, I am getting back into the blogging of things trip related. Since my goal was to try to do this in some semblance of chronological fashion.. we end up with my having only 2 or so hours of sleep and a trip to Traiskirchen, the Austrian village where Schatz grew up (he also grew up in Germany). It started out an an uneventful trip, until the last few minutes when Squink got car sick for the second time in his life. all over his baptism "suit".
Thankfully, I was able to get him cleaned up a bit.
So, I decided I was not going to try and make him sit through mass. He lasted a few minutes, but wanted to go outside. The church we were at had a moat. A lovely empty moat that had loads of dandelions. So, we worked out way down and I taught him about blowing them. He loved it, he loved going over as well as under the bridge for the moat.
After the mass, we met Father Gregor, who spoke Russian or German. And provided me with the instruction on what I was supposed to say... sadly, I still have no clue what it was, or what it meant.
We had a cup of coffee at the church and walked across the street to Schatz's sisters home to get ready for the baptism and wedding mass. Here we are with the most fabulous Godfathers ever.
Folks were nervous as to how he would handle the Holy water and oil, he was actually serious for this part of the ceremony.
And here he is with the oil, see, he was serious.
Then Oma und Opa had their wedding vows renewed for their 50th anniversary.
It was lovely.
But Squink was not ready to sit still. So we walked to a special area where you can light candles and we used his baptismal candle to light candles for Aunt Anne. repeatedly.
Here are the "Godfathers", they are mighty handsome! They are brothers too!
This is Lisa, the French girlfriend to the dark haired nephew. She is one of the loveliest women. She was funny, kind, gentle, and gracious. What a pleasure it was to meet her.
And since Squink is never one to shirk center stage, ran up and joined them.
He then told Father Gregor he loved him and held his hand as they walked out the church.
Coming soon; Austria - Day 4, the feast (part 2)
How lovely it must have been.
Squink has grown so much!!!!!!
he's so tall now!
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